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Write an application to the chairman of the Union Porishod for a culvert on a road.

July 16, 2019
The Chairman
Dharmapur Union Parishad,
Fatickchary, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Subject: Prayer for construction of a culvert

Dear Sir,                                                                                                 
I am an inhabitant of Dharmapur village.
You know that the main road of our village goes between two large farmlands and there runs a big canal one side of the road. During the last flood, a massive edge of the canal broke down and the water directly hit the roadside which is nearest to the canal. Even the water flowed over the road at that time because there is no culvert system under the road. So the road is badly damaged.

The sufferings of the villagers of all steps have gone beyond limits since they use it as an important source of communication. Nevertheless, there is no alternative way to pass through. On the other hand, the plowland opposite side of the canal dries off in the winter season. Accordingly, the farmer can’t grow enough crops in pursuance of their expectations.
If some pipe arch culverts are placed under the road at regular intervals, it will allow the flow of the water to pass both sides of the road equally. Thus the road can be secured and both side lands will smile with crops.
So on behalf of the villagers, I earnestly request you to build some culverts under this road as soon as possible.

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